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Second Serve


It's the invention all coaches and players have been waiting for. The Ball Magnet is a must for all tennis facilities offering clinics, lessons, drills, Cardio Tennis, etc. because it takes the hassle out of all on-court practice sessions and allows coaches to maximize playing time. 


During drills or hitting sessions, most balls that hit the net are captured and stay below the net, allowing for uninterrupted drills and lessons. More time can be spent resting or reviewing technique, drills, etc., and less time is spent on ball pick-up. It's like having your very own invisible ball boy. Don't spend any more wasted time on court and get the Ball Magnet today!

The advantages of having the Ball Magnet are well worth the investment:

1. Spend More Time Playing
* LESS DISRUPTION for lessons, drills and play
* Improve match-play experience
* More TIME playing and less time picking up balls
* Nearly INVISIBLE and unnoticeable while playing
* IDEAL for using a ball machine

2. Safety - Avoid Ankle Injuries
* SAVE pickup effort & Keep balls off adjoining courts
* Fewer LOST BALLS and lower replacement cost

3. Easy 2-Sided Installation
* Sets up in a few minutes

To order the Ball Magnet, contact info@ihstennis.com or visit www.ihstennis.com. Order your Ball Magnet today and get free shipping with coupon code: TNOW2014.

Become a fan of the Ball Magnet on Facebook.
