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Second Serve - A Tennis Now Blog

Second Serve


The blue clay of Madrid was enough to cause some shifts at the top -- including Federer back as the ATP's No. 2 and Serena continuing her climb up the women's rankings.

Number Crunch: More than two years pass before both Roger and Serena Williams win tournaments on same week.

Tennis celebrities celebrating birthdays between May 13-19, 2012.

Since Roger Federer is out-of-this-world amazing at tennis, Will Smith made him an honorary member of the Men in Black with a framed suit after his win in Madrid this weekend.

Ranked No. 340 in world, Sam Groth hit a 163mph fastball serve to break the record fastest serve record this weekend.

The Bryan Brother's give modeling a shot with Vogue. They are a refreshing breath of life compared to the classic serious and skinny models the magazine usual shoots. Maybe the Bryans are America's Next Top Models?

David Lewis, the Director of Instruction at Ivan Lendl International Junior Tennis Academy on Hilton Head Island, answers instructional questions from social media fans of Tennis Now.

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