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On Monday, July 4, Novak Djokovic became just the 26th player of the Open Era to be ranked No. 1 on the ATP Tour. Here's a look back at the 25 men who held the spot before the Serbian sensation, and what the world - at least that of pop culture in America - looked like at the time. Note that before 2003, the movie listed for each man was #1 at the box office that year and that the TV show listed was No. 1 in the ratings for that year.

  1. 1980 Bjorn Borg over John McEnroe 1-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6-7(16-18), 8-6

What surprised me most about today’s match though was Petra’s reaction after she won.....

“The Dog Days Are Over!” Cries Novak Djokovic.

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