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Second Serve - A Tennis Now Blog

Second Serve


Rafael Nadal bounded up another couple of steps at the tennis pantheon yesterday, overtaking Johnny McEnroe in the number of Grand Slam singles titles he’s now won (eight), looking ahead to see who else he can muscle past. The beef from Majorca is phenomenal, amazing. His movement is sensational, inexplicable. I’m going to need to get a slo-slo-slow motion replay version of some of yesterday’s action to see what’s going on with his feet. How he reaches some of the balls that he does defies belief. He has no right. But he gets there, time and again.

Andy Roddick Shows Off a Cleaner Look While Relaxing at the Palms Casino Resort Over the 4th of July Weekend.

Everything is going the right way for Serena Williams

Andy Murray is searching for a new coach

Wimbledon was a successful event for the Wilson Tour Player Family. Check in with Wilson to see what's been happening and not to mention what's to come with some of their rising tennis stars.

We explore Nadal’s training regimen

Recent downward play and injury show one sign: Roger, take a break from the court.

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