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Second Serve


By Nick Georgandis

What's the most brilliant part of Rafael Nadal's new Sportscenter commercial?

He's funny without uttering a single word.

Known for its wacky, tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating commercials over the past 20 years, ESPN debuted a new one featuring the 2013 US Open champion last Tuesday.

In it, Nadal has taken up residence in a cubicle in ESPN's Sportscenter office, wearing gear that suggests he'd rather be on the court.

Two of his male co-workers are trying to reason out why so many of their female counterparts are hovering around his workspace, and eventually admit that Nadal is fairly attractive and has a nice tan.

Getting back to work, the two men fail to see the real reason Nadal is so popular. After the ladies say their goodbyes, he restocks his "candy dish" with a fresh supply of jelly beans.
