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This year, Bob and Mike Bryan qualified for the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals as the No. 1 ranked doubles team and made their 9th appearance. They’ve qualified a total of 10 times but were unable to compete in 2007 due to an injury. 

B and B have taken home season-ending titles on three occasions, their last being in 2009. It’s also their 7th time in 9 years to finish the season with the No. 1 ranking—that’s a record, by the way.

Also for the 7th time, the Bryans were voted the ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favorite. For the 7th year in a row, fans decided that the Bryan bros are pretty awesome. 

They've been a team throughout their entire careers, during which they've scored total of 75 career titles and 11 Grand Slam titles, all while wielding matching highlighter yellow racquets—what’s not to love?

Oh—and they do commercials too. Check out the Bryan Brothers’ commercial for Tennis Express here!
