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Second Serve


A new ad featuring a sword-wielding Kei Nishikori blasting ground strokes and serves has surfaced on YouTube.

More: Nishikori aiming for Masters titles and major success in '15

The spot features Nishikori embarking on the shores of New York City—after a gratuitous row boat ride past the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor—and unleashing a revolutionary brand of martial tennis on the world.

The dream-like sequence continues as Nishikori faces a white-clad Viking-looking tennis player in a concert hall on a surface that looks like red clay but is actually hard wood. None of it quite makes sense except for Nishikori’s athletic and acrobatic handling of the sword and his body, as he smashes glorious winner upon winner to save the match and bring his people to freedom (or something like that).

Whatever the plot is, and there are theories, fans of Nishikori will love seeing their hero all done up in Samurai and looking like a stud.

Bottom line: It’s a cool add, and Nishikori has done a wonderful job playing his part.

(H/T: for the tip and vid)
