In a unique tournament created from a partnership between the United States Tennis Association and New Balance, two singles champions claimed the inaugural New Balance High School Tennis Championships presented by the USTA. By winning the respective girls' and boys' events, Madison Clarke of Phoenix, Ariz., and Matt Kuhar of Smithfield, RI, will each receive a wildcard spot in an International Tennis Federation (ITF) junior event held prior to the 2014 US Open Junior Championships.
In her match against Jenna Moustafa of Los Angeles, Calif., Clarke, a rising senior, dropped the first set but came back to win the second and third for a final score of 4-6, 6-2, 6-1. Kuhar, who will be attending Bryant University this fall, defeated Max Cancilla of Huntington Beach, Calif., in another exciting three-set match, 7-5, 4-6, 6-3.
In consolation matches also played today, Ellen Jang-Milsten of Alpharetta, Georgia, defeated Janice Shin of Houston, Texas, 6-4, 4-6, 10-6, and Jeff Zucker of Short Hills, NJ, defeated Kavir Kumar of Mooresville, NC, 6-2, 5-7, 7-5.
The tournament, held at the Beren Tennis Center at Harvard University, began on Monday. Each of the 64 boys and 64 girls played a minimum of four matches throughout the week, and a maximum of six matches for winners who continued to advance in the compass-draw format.
New Balance developed this event with the goal of supporting and recognizing all high school tennis players and coaches and the dedication they bring to the game. New Balance sought the USTA’s support for this event because of the strong alignment of both organizations’ goals to promote and develop the sport of tennis, as well as the USTA’s extensive experience managing tennis events.