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The Latest on Peng Shuai: WTA Responds to "Insufficient" Video Showing Peng at Dinner in Beijing

The WTA CEO Says: While it is positive to see her, it remains unclear if she is free and able to make decisions and take actions on her own, without coercion or external interference.

Ruud: Peng Shuai Most Serious Matter In Sports

"All the players here are concerned and worried," Casper Ruud said of Peng Shuai.

McEnroe Brothers To Face off In First Match in Antarctica

John McEnroe takes on brother Patrick McEnroe in Antarctica and you can be there to see a historic first.

Djokovic Gives WTA CEO Steve Simon Full Backing Regarding Stance on China and Peng Shuai

Djokovic said he is 100 percent behind the WTA and it's CEO and called for action from the ATP as well.

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